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Blacks multipurpose astro js themes - for your project.



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Astro JS Template for Multipurpose themes project

  • Company profile
  • Art work
  • Photograhper
  • Art Gallery
  • Portfolio
  • Personal
  • Others

Complete Features:

  • SEO injection
  • Sitemap XML
  • RSS Feed
  • Home Page
  • About Page
  • Services Page
  • Gallery Page
  • Gallery Image List
  • Image Detail Page
  • Gallery Video Cinema
  • Video Detail Page
  • Blog Page List
  • Blog Detail Article
  • Pagination for all page list
  • Categories Functional for all article
  • Tags Functional for all article
  • Contact Page
  • Contact Form
  • Astro Picture and Image Script
  • Astro transitions
  • Astro Preact Integration
  • Others

It's easy, just use markdown for all your articles, Configuration for SEO and design are ready in JSON files.

Get start now with Blacks Astro JS.